For each Calpendo it is the responsibility of the facility to manage who has been authenticated and authorised to use that system.  Each user will need to register for an account on their Calpendo.  If the Calpendo is setup to use an alternate authentication method then you should follow the methodology for that.

Registering with a local account

  1. Each Calpendo has the ability to manage its own user accounts stored within their own user database.  These are known as local accounts.  To register for a local user account once you have accessed your Calpendo click the 'Register New User' button (see image below)
  2. On the following page select the local button unless your Calpendo has other forms of authentication enabled in which case you should select those and complete the authentication using that process.
  3. On the following page enter the required information. Some facilities may have additional customised fields you need to fill in as well.  Click Register after completing the form.
  4. Calpendo uses a system to check the quality of your password and certain passwords containing known and common words related to the software such as 'calpendo' and 'exprodo' will also be blocked.
  5. If you have previously logged into Calpendo a while ago and therefore already used your email address you will not be able to create a second account with the same email address.  It is much better to contact your administrator for your Calpendo and get them to re-enable your previous account.

Process for approving your account request

  1. Once you have submitted your registration request you will not gain immediate access to the Calpendo.  This is for security reasons.
  2. The administrators for your local Calpendo will receive a notification that a user account was requested.
  3. They will need to approve your request through Calpendo at which point you will receive an email notifying you that your request was processed.