Context: In a number of areas in Calpendo, it is possible to add in drop down menus such as choosing from a range of configuration options for a resource or choosing from funding sources for a project. The best way to setup a drop down menu with an option for selecting one item is to use Mapped Integers. For this Knowledge Base article, we will use the example of a resource which requires a drop down menu to choose it's current maintenance status. This sort of field would also be a prime contender to be set as editable only by admins. The steps below will be for creating a drop down menu, but editing will simply involve selecting a pre-existing mapped integer and clicking on 'edit' to change the values.

A mapped integer is a mapping between a number and a text display value. This provides an easy way for a user to set a number value for an item, but have it hidden behind a text value. This also means that the stored numeric value can be used when creating workflows or writing formulae which reference a value which has been set.

Suitable for: Administrators

Part 1 Step - creating the mapped int:

  1. Sign in as admin and go to Bakery in the admin menu
  2. Select Mapped Int from the tree view on the left
  3. Click create and supply a name such as 'Current Maintenance Status'
  4. Setting a null value label is useful for encouraging a user to select an option.  In this context a null value label such as 'Please set a maintenance status' would work well
  5. Under values, click Add and start adding the text display labels and their equivalent numbers
  6. If the numbers or text are the same it will produce a red border highlighting these which you will need to fix

Part 2 Step - adding the mapped int to a biskit:

  1. Go back to the Biskit Def section of the Bakery
  2. Select a Biskit to which you wish to add a drop down menu
  3. Edit the Biskit
  4. Add a new property and set its type to Int
  5. Under Integer Type (further down the property definition list) select Mapped Int
  6. In the Mapped Int field which appears select the mapped int you created in part 1
  7. Save and Update DB Schema and then Reload DB Configuration and then refresh the Browser