Context: In your booking form you may want to set a field to be edited only by an administrator. This may be useful if you wanted to include a field for confirming whether there was a hardware issue with the equipment which was reported by the end user. This field will still be viewable by standard users, but they will not be able to edit it.
When working with these permissions there are two approaches:
- Biskit level permissions
- Property level permissions
Suitable for: Admins
Objective: Create a permission on the Booking Biskit which restricts a field to only be editable by an admin
When creating a record in a biskit
Steps for only one field:
- Sign in as admin and in the Admin menu, select Permissions
- Click the Create button
- Enter a Name for the permission such as 'Field name editable by admins and resource managers'
- Set the Action to 'Update'
- Select the Booking biskit for the Data Type in order to target it and its properties for permissions. If your context required another biskit to target you would select that here.
- Next to Data Property choose the field you wish to deny permission to. If you select None (permission applies to whole object) the permission is applied to all the data properties within the biskit (currently Booking) which you are working on. If you select a property such as Name the permission is applied to just that property. This means you can apply different permissions to different properties within the biskit you are working on.
- Next to Authorisation, set to 'Deny Permission'
- Under 'Does Not Apply to' remove the tick from exclude nobody - this is where we will provide an exception for admins and resource managers
- If your resource has a Manager User Group, set find the Property Path to resource->ManagerUserGroup
- Under roles select 'Use Roles' and then select admin
- Click Save
Steps for multiple fields:
- Set the Data Property to None (permission applies to whole object)
- Click the green plus to start adding conditions.
- set to All of the following apply
- Add in conditions for each field that cannot be edited setting them so that: New Value property equals Old Value property
This will ensure no changes can be made to those properties.