In certain situations it may be more useful as an Administrator to directly create a user in Calpendo instead of having the new user register themselves.

Follow these instructions to create a user.

  1. Go to the Admin menu and then down to User search
  2. Click on the Create button at the top of the user list
  3. In the Create User window you will need to add information for the following properties at the very least
    1. Roles (see more information below on assigning roles)
    2. Given name
    3. Family name
    4. Email address
    5. Password
    6. Status (see more information below on assigning status)
    7. Login identifier - this can be specific to the authentication method.  Shibboleth methods may require an email address.
  4. It may be useful to set password reset as 'Password must be reset at next login' if you creating a user to send them the information later.  The password you enter must then be a temporary password.
  5. Click Save and the user is now created

Assigning roles

The four basic roles are:

  1. Root
  2. Admin
  3. User
  4. Guest

If you are creating another Admin account you need to assign the roles Admin, User and Guest to the account.  This is because an Administrator needs the User role associated with their account so that they can assign it to normal User accounts.  User accounts should just have the User role assigned.

Assigning status

The standard status to assign to users so that they can login is Normal.  Below is a table outlining the other status options.

The only status which counts towards the user licence is Normal.

The Blocked, Denied and Expired statuses are all functionally the same in terms of they do not allow a user to login at all.  However having these as distinct statuses means they can be applied in different scenarios as explained below.  It also means that functionality can be added to Calpendo through a workflow which could respond to a specific status.  For example if a user's projects finish and they are automatically set to expired another workflow could respond to that status change and email a user information about how to apply for another project.

This is the normal status for a user who can log in.
This is the status given to a user when they first register. A user whose status is Requested cannot log in.


A user whose status is Blocked cannot log in. Typically,  use this status for a user that needs to be stopped from logging in for some reason.
A user whose status is Denied cannot log in. Typically, use this status when not approving a new user request, although there is also the option of deleting the user.
A user whose status is Expired cannot log in. Either their expiry date has passed or the administrator has decided they no longer need to use the system.
A user whose status is Lurker cannot login but will receive automatic and booking reminder e-mails.
A user which doesn't count towards the user limit, they can login, but whilst suspended do not receive any emails. Their status is automatically changed to Normal on login.