Context: Although Calpendo has the capability to offer drop down lists for properties with limited selections there is sometimes the need to store multiple different options.  This is where tags come in handy.

In the above example two tags are stored in a property. When adding new tags a drop down list will appear showing other previously submitted tags.

Suitable for: admins


  1. Go to Admin > Bakery
  2. Further down the tree menu on the left you will see Tag Def. Open it and create a new Tag Def with the name reflecting the tags you will be storing against it.  
  3. Go back to the Biskit Def list on the left and into the Biskit which needs to have the tag property added.  Edit the biskit and add a new property.
  4. Give the property a suitable name and set the following values:
    Property type: Set
    Sub-type: String
    String Type: Tag
    Tag Definition: the name of the Tag Def you created in step 2
  5. Save the Biskit and then click Update DB Schema, Reload DB Config and then refresh your browser to see the changes in place for the Biskit you update