Calpendo allows you to access and analyse stored data in a variety of ways.  There are four types of report available from the Report Manager:

  • List Report
    This allows you to interrogate a single table such as Projects and bring back a list of rows from that table based on your search conditions. It has a default set of fields displayed in the list that is returned, which is defined in the configuration for that table.  However you can also alter the fields displayed using a checklist. List reports are great for a quick search on a simple table with minimal effort needed to set up the report.
  • Group Report
    This is the most powerful report style as it allows you to build a report that includes fields held on other tables which are linked to from your search. For example when searching for Bookings, you could also add columns to your report containing the funding information stored on the attached Project, or the email address of the owner of the booking. This is an excellent report style for monthly usage reports that can be used for billing.
  • Summary Report
    This is a report like a spreadsheet pivot table that can automatically count or sum data. It is great for getting an overview of a facility for example total hours of use per resource for each month over a year.
  • Kanban Report
    This gives a more visual representation of a set of data broken into columns based on one field.  You might use it for example to display lists of all your active projects by project type.  

List Report

A list report will return all the instances of a single biskit which match the conditions provided.  Only fields on that biskit can be displayed in the report.  Clicking on a column header will re-sort the report based on that field.  Clicking on an individual row will bring up the detailed view for that record.

The default set of fields shown for a biskit on a List Report is defined in the Bakery using the 'Visible in Biskit List' checkbox.

The columns on display can be altered when creating a report using the Columns tab, or after running the report using the Columns dropdown at the top of the report.

Group Report

A group report allows you to select which fields will be displayed on your report and will group individual records based on those fields.  You can select fields on the original biskit you are searching for, or any fields on attached biskits.  Groups will be ordered by the order of fields on the table.

In the example below, bookings have been grouped by Project and then by Resource Type.  Selecting a group then displays a List Report of all the bookings in that group.  However exporting this report will only export the data shown in the group table.

If you select a combination of fields which is unique for each record then your group report will contain only one record in each row (eg most systems do not allow double bookings on a resource, so Resource/dateRange.start).  Due to the ability to get data from attached biskits such as the Project and the Owner of the booking, this is a simple way to create an extract for billing purposes. 

Summary Report

Summary reports provide an overview of large amounts of data.   The contents of each cell can be manipulated in a variety of ways.  In the example below, the duration in minutes has been summed for each project/resource combination and then scaled by 60 to convert it to hours.  

Clicking on an individual cell in the report will bring up a list report of all the bookings that have contributed to that value.

Kanban Report

A Kanban report lists instances of a biskit in columns based on a single field.  This might be good for a quick overview of projects or resources, but isn't good for large quantities of data.

Clicking on an individual record will bring up the detailed view for that record.