Calpendo can be set up to calculate costs in a variety of ways.  Complex requirements will require access to the Premium features, however the use of Project Resource Settings allows hourly or per-session rates to be set for individual combinations of project and resource with a relatively small amount of configuration.

Your resource must be set to require projects on bookings (Any Project Required or Authorised Project Required) for this to work.  'Authorised Project Required' is recommended to ensure that a Project Resource Setting must be created in order to make bookings.  Additional configuration can be added to the Project Resource Biskit to ensure that a value is entered for the rate.

There are two approaches to take:

  1. Using a formulaic property on the Booking Biskit to calculate cost
  2. Using a workflow to calculate the cost and then update a property on the Booking Biskit.

This article focusses on the first approach and a separate article will cover the workflow approach.  Formulaic properties are useful for quick calculations in situations where the calculation process is not going to need to change much.  However formulaic properties are not as good at preserving historic calculated data if underlying values change.

Add a formulaic Booking Cost field to the booking biskit

Use of the Bakery to add fields is considered an advanced Admin task - if you have not had some basic training in use of the Bakery, please raise a ticket and ask a member of the support team to help with this.

Create a property with a Double type to hold your formula.  A double type is essential as your calculation may yield decimals.

More complicated CASE statements are also possible.  If you do not charge for all projects and resources, you may also want to include a condition that sets the cost to '0' if no value is entered in the project resource settings.

  • If you wish to charge an hourly rate: [projectResourceSettings.costPerHour]*[durationInMinutes]/60
  • If you wish to charge a fixed rate per booking: [projectResourceSettings.costPerSession]

Set up your rates in your Projects

Add the resources you want your project to use and fill in the correct rate field.  

Note that a formulaic field is calculated dynamically, so any change to the rates will be reflected in all bookings past and future.