A full explanation on how to query and use Calpendo API can be found on official Exprodo documentation:


This section is meant to provide some extra examples showing how to get data from Calpendo API.

All examples will return a JSON formatted file, named results.json, containing the requested data.

Example 1.

From all users created later than 01 Jan 2020

We want to get:  family name, given name, email address.

wget -O results.json --header="Accept: application/json" --user=YOUR_USERNAME --password=YOUR_PASSWORD https://YOUR_CALPENDO.URL/webdav/q/Calpendo.CalpendoUser/created/GT/20200101T0000?paths=familyName,givenName,email

Example 2.

From all users created later than 01 Jan 2020 AND status=Normal

e want to get:  family name, given name, email address.

wget -O results.json --header="Accept: application/json" --user=YOUR_USERNAME --password=YOUR_PASSWORD https://YOUR_CALPENDO.URL/webdav/q/Calpendo.CalpendoUser/AND/status/EQ/Normal/created/GT/20200101T0000?paths=familyName,givenName,email

If any developers working in our customer facilities come across some other interesting articles we would welcome those submissions being sent in via info@exprodo.com.