This KB article is an extension of the more detailed documentation on time templates in the full software documentation.  In this article I will be looking at how to use time templates in a simple scenario which can be adjusted for numerous other situations.

Context: I am going to show you how to use templates to allow members of two user groups to have different levels of privileged access to a resource during a time slot whilst preventing other users from booking in that time.

Suitable for: Admins as you will need access to the template editor and the user group management.

Objective: We will cover the following steps for this scenario.

  1. Setting up the user group which will have privileged access
  2. Creating the template definition
  3. Applying the template definition to a resource calendar
  4. I will also outline some variations one could use with this approach

Step 1: Setting up the user group which will have privileged access

  1. Under the Admin menu go to Types and Groups
  2. Click User Group in the tree menu to the left
  3. Click Create in the main editing area to the right and add the name for the user group
  4. During the creation of the user group you can start adding users to this group
  5. For this context I am going to create two user groups 'Level 1 Trained' and 'Level 2 Trained'

Step 2: Creating the template definition

  1. Under the Admin menu go to Template Editor
  2. Click Create in the main editing window
  3. Give a name for the template definition - for this context I will use 'Trained Users Access'
  4. Select an appropriate colour
  5. Each template can hold settings for for a variety of different users depending on their role, type, group and associations with projects.
  6. These are defined using template groups.  In the screenshots below you will see that I have created four separate groups. For each group you will need to do the following
    1. Give it a name
    2. Define whether the template group applies to users or projects.  If it applies to projects it will affect users who are associated with those projects.
    3. Define acceptability
      1. Warning - this uses the default setting in Global Preferences for the status to apply to books and warns the user
      2. Acceptable - this will allow the booking to be made using the status of requested
      3. Automatic Approval - bookings are automatically approved
      4. Automatic Denial - bookings are automatically denied
    4. You can also define a message for each group when making these bookings
  7. The four groups I've defined for this context are as follows.  I have included a screenshot of the Level 2 Trained group definition below:
    NameApplies toAcceptability
    EverybodyLeave as defaultAutomatic denial
    Level 1 TrainedApplies to Users - User Group - Level 1 TrainedAcceptable
    Level 2 TrainedApplies to Users - User Group - Level 2 TrainedAutomatic Approval
    AdminsApplies to Users - User Roles - includes any AdminAutomatic Approval (most Calpendo sites allow Admins to bypass templates so this may be unnecessary)
  8. If multiple template groups apply to one user they will receive the highest permission out of all the groups.  This means that although all users will be caught by the Everybody group if a user is also a member of Level 2 Trained the acceptability rule will apply to them.  If a user is Level 1 Trained and also an Admin their bookings will be automatically approved.

Step 3: Applying the template definition to a resource calendar

  1. Now that the template definition has been created we need to apply it to a resource by choosing which days and times this template is going to manage.
  2. In the menu bar (on some systems this may have been moved to Admin) click on Templates
  3. Choose the resource you wish to apply the template definition to
  4. Choose a day and time to which you wish to apply the template definition.  As this will more than likely be a reoccurring template slot set the repeat including an end date if required
  5. Choose the template which in this case will be the 'Trained Users Access' template setup in step 2
  6. You will notice that there is the ability to set a near and far term template as well.  This concept is covered in a separate KB article.

Step 4: Variations to this approach

  • For this approach we based the templates on user groups as the means for deciding user booking acceptability.  This can also be done on the basis of user type.  
  • Clicking advanced under the 'Applies to user' gives access to conditions. These can be used to define a more specific rule where the template group will apply on the basis of a custom property.
  • Project Types and Groups can be used instead of user groups to define the associated user's booking acceptability.  As users will likely already be listed as users against a project this will reduce the need to manage user group membership.