Context: When a booking is made, the booker can choose to send a reminder email. The reminder email has default text and a subject which can be overwritten using a Reminder Workflow. Setting up a reminder workflow would also allow you to customise different reminder notifications for each type of resource.
Suitable for: Admins - this is because access is required to the workflow manager.
Objective: Create a simple workflow focussed on reminders for bookings. The workflow will include customised text to be used in the email to go out in the reminder. This workflow does not use the send email action itself so the customised text will be build using a templated text action.
Step 1: Creating a new workflow and adding the event
- In Admin > Workflow manager create a workflow
- Give it an appropriate name and set the Main Type to Booking to categorise it in the list on the left
- From Add > Events select Reminder
Step 2: Define the booking biskit which will have its reminders changed
- In the event properties choose the Booking BiskitDef to update the reminders for all bookings on the site.
- If Booking has a subtype which is used by certain resources choose this as it will then only apply to reminders for that booking subtype and the resources which use it.
Step 3: Add templated text action to build the email body and the subject line
- Select Add and then under actions find templated text
- In here you can build the body of your email.
- Note that you can use any fields accessible via the booking details within your email, including the booker, resource and project.
- To do this use the Insert button within the template action itself and select under value the indexed number for the event which triggers this action (in this case #1). This will give access to the properties contained within the database record associated with the event - the booking itself.
- You will then need to add an additional templated text action for the subject line if you want a customised subject line to show a resource name or other information specific to the event. This will go below the current templated text action as a child of it. The principle for building it will be exactly the same.
Step 4: Add the Biskit update to set the email reminder properties
- Add the Biskit update action and set the biskit to update to be the Source #1 email
- Add the properties for the email. The minimum for this will be the content and the subject which will be set to the values output from their respective template actions.
- There are other properties which can be assigned depending on your requirements.