Context: In certain circumstances it may be a good idea to limit or completely prevent the ability for users (and sometimes Admins) to make bookings in Calpendo. In this article I will take you through the steps of how to setup a rule which can be customised to display a message for your users when a booking is prevented.

Suitable for: Admins

Objective: Create a rule and set the parameters to define the rule and what it is blocking


  1. Sign in with an account with admin permissions
  2. In the Admin menu go to Rule Editor
  3. Click Create and select the Simple rule.  Provide a meaningful name for the rule.
  4. Under the Applies To tab select the Booking Biskit Type to Booking or any Booking sub type if you only need to apply to specific booking types. In this instance we want this rule to apply to Booking and all sub types so will leave it as Booking.
  5. Under the Bookers tab for Applies todo one of two things
    1. Leave Specify Bookers unchecked to ensure that this rule applies to everyone (and that would include you)
    2. Edit it and specify the user roles to apply this rule to. As the rule will be a reject rule you would choose the users roles using the options available which will be prevented from making bookings.
  6. Make sure if you are defining user roles through the Bookers tab who this rule will apply to that you do not miss anyone.  User roles will be an easier way to define who can do what instead of defining individual users. It is safer to leave it as is so that everyone is blocked.
  7. Go to the Rule tab
    1. Set the rule to Reject
    2. Enter an appropriate message such as "I'm sorry but no bookings are allowed at present - please speak to a facility manager via email"
  8. Save the rule
  9. Refresh the browser and head back to the calendar and try to make a booking. If you are the relevant user role of whom the rule is applied to, when pressing “Create Booking” on the booking form you will be prevented and the message you configured should pop-up