Context: This article looks at a technique which will be used fairly frequently throughout Calpendo and that is learning how to search for data, modify the display of those results and then save that as a report. For this article, we will look at how to search for all bookings on your Calpendo in a specific time frame and then break those results down by project and resource.
Suitable for: Admins and Users
Objective: Work with search, report views and saving a report
Part 1: Searching for bookings
- Some key components of a Calpendo such as bookings, projects and users have their own dedicated search page
- Click on Bookings in the menu bar and then select Booking Search
- A list of recent bookings will appear filtered by a default date range
- Start by changing the type of report from List Report to Group Report as you might end up dealing with a lot of records!
- Select a different date range such as your last calendar month
- The number of records in the group will update
- If you have a reasonable amount of records click on the number and it will show you from where the records are being derived
Part 2: Adding columns to the Group Report to show further breakdowns
- Click on the plus sign next to 'Count of Bookings' and select 'resource'
- This will now show the numbers broken down by the Resource
- If you would like to see it shown by the list of resources instead click the minus sign next to 'Count of Bookings' and then add it after the Resource column
- Add in additional columns such as project
Part 3: Adding booking cost information to the breakdown.
This is relevant if you have enabled Cost per Hour for project resources via the Project Resource Settings
- Click on the plus sign to add a new column and select bookingCost
- Hover over the heading of that column and select 'Change'
- Click the drop down box marked 'No aggregation' and select 'Sum'
- Selecting rounded will deal with recurring division and then click OK
- The total booking costs for that period are now displayed in a column
Part 4: Adding durationInMinutes
- Duration is based on the number of booked minutes in Calpendo
- Add the column using the same method
- Hover over the heading and select 'Change'
- Click the drop down box marked 'No aggregation' and select 'Sum'
- I would suggest using scaled and putting in 60 to change from minutes to hours
Part 5: Saving the report
- These groups of records can now be saved as a report which can then be retrieved at a later stage
- Click on File and then Save As
- Give it a name
- Choose whether it is System Wide (available for other users to use)
- Choose whether it will be Publicly Modifiable
- Click Save
Part 6: Exporting the report
- Click on File again and then click Export
- You have a few options under here to do with type of export and how the data is displayed