Context: iCal feeds by default are turned off on a system and need to be enabled and each link automatically generated.

Suitable for: Enabling iCal can only be done as an Admin.  However, generating iCal feeds can be done by all users.

Objective: Enable iCal on your site and generate new feeds

Steps to enable iCal (admins only)

  1. Login as admin and click on the Admin menu
  2. Go to Global Preferences
  3. Click on Bookings
  4. Scroll down to Miscellaneous
  5. Next to 'Booking iCal Feeds' change it from iCal Booking Feeds Disabled to iCal Booking Feeds Enabled
  6. Click Save

Steps to generate an iCal feed:

  1. Go back to the Calendar
  2. Click on the iCal feed button
  3. Select the resource you want an iCal feed for
  4. Select the type of bookings you want to include
  5. Click Next
  6. This will generate a new URL for you
  7. Copy and paste this to the calendar in which you wish to see the bookings.