Context: When it comes to the question of what to do with users who have left a facility you have two options. One is to set their status to expired as this will prevent them from logging back in but will maintain the history of their actions. This is preferable if you want to make sure there are no gaps in your data.
However it may be preferable to delete a user instead. This KB will take you through that process.
The key issue when deleting a user is that as soon as someone has logged on they will start generating system events on Calpendo which will be associated with them. When they start creating bookings or projects these will also be associated with that user. In Calpendo terms this association is known as a reference and until all references between a user and system events and other database objects are removed the user cannot be deleted. This is done by either removing the object which refers back to the users (such as a bookmark) or amending the object to remove its association to the user (such as a project having its owner changed from the user to be deleted to someone else).
Suitable for: Admins only. Knowledge of working with list and group reports will be useful for this KB.
Deleting/Editing system events:
- In the menu bar select Search > Search
- Choose System Event as the type to search for
- Each system event will have a user property on them to link to the user who generated that system event
- Use the conditions for the search to add a condition "value of user equals fixed [your user]" like the screenshot below
- This will give you a report of all the system events linked to that user.
- As this could be a lengthy report I suggest changing it to a group report. You can add additional columns to create more groups for quicker filtering.
- Once you have the list of system events to delete click on the checkmark in the row containing the lists headings which will select all rows and then click Delete checked.
- If you are unable to delete the system events, then an alternative approach is to Edit checked and update the User field to null.
For this we will need to see a list of all objects such as bookings, projects and bookmarks on Calpendo. Each element will need to either be deleted or if it can't be deleted, such as a project which needs to be kept on the system, the user will need to removed from that object. In the case of projects this could be something as simple as removing them as a user from that project.
To find a list of everything on Calpendo which has a reference to a specific user do the following:
- In the Admin menu click on User Search
- Select the user you would like to delete
- In the detail for the user below the list of users select the References button
- This will show a list of objects which contain references back to the user
- When you select the number next to each object showing the number of references it will load the list of those references below. See the screenshot below.
- Each link will take you to the object you need to amend
- If you are unsure how to amend an object to remove a user contact the support desk through Each object will have different ways of removing users which is beyond the scope of this article.